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First Visit Within
24-48 Hours

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In-Network With All Major Insurances Plans

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We Treat Patients
Age 5-100+

welcome to ProCare Rehabilitation

  • Is Pain Limiting Your Daily Activities?
  • Feel Like No One is Listening?
  • Worried About Getting In for Treatment Fast?
  • Tired of Sitting Around Waiting for an Appointment?
  • Looking for an Alternative to Drugs or Surgery?
When You Choose Us
You’ll Experience...

We Take the Time to Perform a Thorough Evaluation
We Empower You with a Personalized Plan of Care
You’ll Improve Your Strength, Mobility, & Endurance
Enjoy Life Again Doing the Things You Love

Getting Started is Fast and Easy









Get Your First Appointment
in 24-48 Hours

Is This Your First Visit to Physical Therapy?

We understand that choosing the right physical therapist can be time consuming and make you anxious.

Rest assured:

  • We have a location near you.
  • You’ll work with Doctors of Physical Therapy.
  • We will help you get better fast.

Our Success Stories

  • Within 3 months my pain is gone completely and I feel great. This is a fantastic alternative to surgery, recovery and the months of rehab that would have followed. I am very grateful to everyone at ProCare. It made a huge difference for me.

  • It was here at ProCare where they were able to see the problem with no difficulty. Better yet, they were able to get rid of the problem within a week. I want to thank everyone here at ProCare for doing an excellent job at helping me.

  • They have great expertise in their field and are very compassionate people. I came from Cape May a second time because they are so great. Everyone from the PTs to the secretary and aides.

  • Just six weeks later my pain is completely gone and I am able to walk and move comfortably. The staff at ProCare is friendly, efficient and most of all effective!

  • When I first started therapy, I could barely walk. Now, I’ve gone back to all of my previous activities. Thank you!

  • I had arthroscopic surgery in April 2005. I proceeded to have physical therapy for one and a half months. Less than 3 months after having surgery, I was cleared to play football and wrestle again. Thanks to the help and guidance of the professionals at ProCare, I was able to achieve this.

    We are In-Network
    with Most Insurance Plans

    NOTE: No Referral No Problem
    We Can See Patients Without a Physician’s Referral

    Get Your First Appointment
    in 24-48 Hours

    The Recovery Process

    Learn about the 5 phases of recovery

    Click on a phase number to learn more.

    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
      • Pain Relief

        Reducing pain, swelling, and inflammation are common goals in this phase of recovery. Injury protection, elevation, appropriate medications, compression, and patient education are important.

      • ProCare Rehabilitation
      • Introduce Movement

        Pain-free passive, manual therapy, active range of motion, and cardiorespiratory exercises, are indicated here. Education about pain and a positive attitude may help.

      • ProCare Rehabilitation
      • Strengthening

        Progressive loading of healing soft tissues, the reintroduction of low-stress neuromuscular reeducation, balance training, and basic functional activities are part of this rehabilitation phase.

      • ProCare Rehabilitation
      • Functional Retraining

        Progressing strengthening exercises, improving flexibility, and advanced balance exercises are part of phase 4. Resuming functional movement (e.g. sports movements) occurs in this phase.

      • ProCare Rehabilitation
      • Recovery & Prevention

        Functional movements are progressed, a controlled re-introduction to sports or challenging environments is initiated. Continued strengthening, flexibility, balance, endurance, and goal-specific training occurs during this phase. Education and future injury prevention are discussed.

      • ProCare Rehabilitation
    Physical Therapy Blog